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Top 10 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

November 4, 2022

If you’re looking to save money and reduce your ecological footprint, cutting food waste is a great place to start.

Food waste is a global problem that has serious environmental and economic implications. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, we waste about one-third of the food we produce each year. That’s a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food that ends up in the landfill!

There are many reasons why food gets wasted, from farms to supermarkets to our own homes. But there are also many things we can do to reduce food waste. Here are 10 ways you can start making a difference:

1. Plan your meals

One of the best ways to reduce food waste is to plan your meals in advance. This way, you’ll only buy the ingredients you need and are less likely to let them go to waste.

2. Store food properly

One of the main reasons food gets wasted is because it’s not stored properly. Make sure you know how to store different types of food so they stay fresh for longer.

3. Use your freezer

Your freezer is your friend when it comes to reducing food waste. Use it to store food that you’re not going to eat right away.

4. Compost

Composting is a great way to reduce food waste. It’s easy to do at home and you can use the compost to fertilize your plants.

5. Donate food

If you have food that you know you’re not going to eat, consider donating it to a local food bank or soup kitchen.

6. Shop at farmers markets

Farmers markets are a great place to find fresh, local food. And, since the food is often sold in smaller quantities, there’s less risk of waste.

7. Shop smarter

When you’re grocery shopping, make sure you’re only buying what you need. And, if you can, try to buy from stores that sell food in bulk.

8. Cook smarter

When you’re cooking, use all of the ingredients you’ve bought. If you have leftovers, freeze them or use them to make another meal.

9. Educate yourself and others

One of the best ways to reduce food waste is to educate yourself and others about the issue. Spread the word and help others learn how to reduce food waste, too.

10. Support businesses that are fighting food waste

There are many businesses and organizations working to reduce food waste. Show your support by patronizing these businesses and spreading the word about their efforts.

Common Questions Roundup:

1. What is the UN Food and Agriculture Organization?
2. How much food do we waste each year?
3. What are some reasons why food gets wasted?
4. What are some things we can do to reduce food waste?
5. What is the best way to reduce food waste?
6. What is composting?
7. What is a farmers market?
8. What does it mean to cook smarter?
9. What is the best way to educate others about food waste?
10. What businesses are fighting food waste?

Answers to common questions:

1. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization is an organization that works to end hunger and malnutrition around the world.
2. Each year, we waste about 1.3 billion tons of food.
3. Some reasons why food gets wasted include over-production, poor planning, and poor storage conditions.
4. Some things we can do to reduce food waste include composting, cooking smarter, and shopping at farmers markets.
5. The best way to reduce food waste is to compost.
6. Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter into a form that can be used as fertilizer.
7. A farmers market is a market where farmers sell their produce directly to consumers.
8. To cook smarter means to be more efficient in the kitchen and to waste less food.
9. The best way to educate others about food waste is to compost.
10. Some businesses that are fighting food waste include Food waste, Too Good To Go, and OLIO.


1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted each year – that’s one-third of the food produced.

You can reduce food waste by:
– Planning your meals
– Storing food properly
– Using your freezer
– Composting
– Donating food
– Shopping at farmers markets
– Shopping smarter
– Cooking smarter
– Educating yourself and others
– Supporting businesses that are fighting food waste