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Don’t Throw It! Recycle It!

October 27, 2022

In today’s society, it is important to be conscious of the things we use and how we dispose of them. Throwing away items like plastic water bottles and aluminum cans can be detrimental to the environment. It is important to recycle these items instead of throwing them away.

Did you know that the average person generates about 4.4 pounds of trash each day? Or that Americans generate about 254 million tons of trash each year? It’s no wonder our landfills are overflowing and our planet is suffering. But there is hope! Every year, more and more people are recycling. In fact, in 2017, Americans recycled and composted more than 67 million tons of garbage.

One of the easiest things you can do to help the environment is to recycle. It’s as simple as sorting your trash into different bins. Most communities have designated recycling bins for paper, plastic, and metal. You can also recycle glass, electronics, and even some types of food waste.

Recycling doesn’t just reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills, it also conserves resources. For example, recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours. And recycling one ton of paper saves enough electricity to power the average home for six months.

So next time you’re about to throw something away, think twice! It might just be recyclable.

Common Questions Roundup:

1) How much trash does the average person generate each day?
2) How many tons of trash does America generate each year?
3) What are some of the things that can be recycled?
4) How does recycling reduce the amount of waste in landfills?
5) How does recycling conserve resources?
6) How much energy does recycling one aluminum can save?
7) How long can recycling one ton of paper save an average home’s electricity?
8) What happens to trash that isn’t recycled?
9) What are the consequences of overflowing landfills?
10) How can recycling help the environment?

Answers to common questions:

1. The average person generates about 4.4 pounds of trash each day.
2. America generates about 250 million tons of trash each year.
3. Recycling can help conserve resources such as timber, water and minerals. It also reduces the amount of waste in landfills.
4. Recycling one aluminum can save about 95% of the energy it would take to produce a new can from scratch.
5. Recycling one ton of paper can save the electricity used by an average home for six months.
9. Overflowing landfills can contaminate groundwater, create methane gas, and attract rodents and insects.
10. Recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy and water, and reduce pollution.


The average person generates 4.4 pounds of trash per day, and Americans generate 254 million tons of trash per year. However, more and more people are recycling, which reduces the amount of waste that goes into landfills and conserves resources.