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Common Wastes & Recycling Solutions

October 29, 2022

In the United States, the average person generates about four pounds of trash each day. While many items can be reused or recycled, about one-third of everything we throw away is considered waste. The good news is there are easy ways to reduce the amount of waste we create and recycle what we cannot avoid.

There are many types of wastes, but some are more common than others. Here are some common wastes and recycling solutions for them:

Paper: One of the most common wastes is paper. Fortunately, paper is also one of the easiest wastes to recycle. Most recycling facilities will accept paper, and it can be used to make new paper products.

Plastic: Plastic is another common waste, and it can be recycled into new plastic products. However, not all recycling facilities accept plastic, so it’s important to check before you recycle.

Glass: Glass can be recycled into new glass products or used as aggregate in construction projects. However, like plastic, not all recycling facilities accept glass, so it’s important to check before you recycle.

Metal: Metal can be recycled into new metal products or used as scrap metal. Scrap metal is often used in construction projects or to make new metal products.

Electronics: Electronics can be recycled or reused. Recycling facilities will often accept electronic waste, and many electronic components can be reused in new electronics.

Common wastes can be recycled into new products or used in other ways. However, not all recycling facilities accept all types of waste, so it’s important to check before you recycle.

Common Questions Roundup:

1. What are some common wastes?
2. What are some recycling solutions for common wastes?
3. What is paper waste typically recycled into?
4. What can plastic waste be recycled into?
5. What are some uses for glass waste?
6. What are some uses for metal waste?
7. What are some uses for electronic waste?
8. What happens if you try to recycle a waste that a recycling facility doesn’t accept?
9. How do you know which recycling facility accepts which type of waste?
10. Are there any common wastes that can’t be recycled?

Answers to common questions:

1. Some common wastes include paper, plastic, glass, metal, and electronic waste.
2. Some recycling solutions for common wastes include recycling paper into cardboard or new paper, recycling plastic into new plastic products, recycling glass into new glass products, recycling metal into new metal products, and recycling electronic waste into new electronic products.
3. Paper waste is typically recycled into cardboard or new paper.
4. Plastic waste can be recycled into new plastic products.
5. Some uses for glass waste include recycling it into new glass products or using it as aggregate in construction projects.
6. Some uses for metal waste include recycling it into new metal products or using it as scrap metal in construction projects.
7. Some uses for electronic waste include recycling it into new electronic products or using it as scrap metal in construction projects.
8. If you try to recycle a waste that a recycling facility doesn’t accept, the waste will likely be sent to a landfill.
9. You can usually find out which recycling facility accepts which type of waste by looking up the facility’s information online.
10. Some common wastes that can’t be recycled include hazardous waste and food waste.


The article discusses common wastes and recycling solutions for them.