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6 Facts About Recycling You May Not Know

October 27, 2022

We all know recycling is important, but there are some things about recycling that you may not know. Here are 6 facts about recycling that may surprise you.

While recycling is often touted as the best way to reduce your ecological footprint, there are some things you may not know about this process. Here are six facts about recycling that may surprise you.

1. It takes more energy to recycle some materials than it does to simply throw them away.

For example, recycling aluminum takes 95% less energy than producing new aluminum from scratch. However, recycling glass actually uses more energy than simply producing new glass.

2. Recycling doesn’t always mean reusing.

While recycling does reduce the amount of waste going into landfills, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the recycled material will be turned into something new. Often, recycling simply involves breaking down the material so that it can be used as filler or fuel.

3. Some materials can only be recycled a few times.

Paper can be recycled up to seven times, but after that, the fibers become too short to be usable. Glass, on the other hand, can be recycled an infinite number of times.

4. You can’t recycle everything.

While most people know that you can’t recycle plastic bags, there are other items that can’t be recycled as well, such as Styrofoam and light bulbs.

5. Recycling actually creates pollution.

The process of recycling itself creates pollution, as well as the transportation of recycled materials. In fact, recycling one ton of glass creates nearly a ton of carbon dioxide emissions.

6. There are other ways to reduce your ecological footprint.

While recycling is often seen as the best way to reduce your impact on the environment, there are other ways that are actually more effective. For example, simply reducing the amount of waste you create in the first place has a greater impact than recycling.

Common Questions Roundup:

1. What are some materials that can’t be recycled?
2. How many times can paper be recycled?
3. How does recycling create pollution?
4. What is the best way to reduce your ecological footprint?
5. What is the difference between recycling and reusing?
6. How much energy does it take to recycle aluminum?
7. How much energy does it take to recycle glass?
8. What happens to recycled materials if they can’t be turned into something new?
9. What is the difference between recycling and simply breaking down the material?
10. How often do people need to recycle in order to make a difference?

Answers to common questions:

1. Some materials that can’t be recycled are Styrofoam, lightbulbs, and plastics marked with a recycle symbol of 3, 6, or 7.
2. Paper can be recycled up to 7 times.
3. Recycling can create pollution if the materials are not properly sorted or cleaned before being recycled.
4. The best way to reduce your ecological footprint is to reuse materials whenever possible and recycle when necessary.
5. The difference between recycling and reusing is that recycling involves breaking down the material and remaking it into something new, while reusing simply means using the same material again.
6. It takes about 95% less energy to recycle aluminum than it does to produce it from scratch.
7. It takes about 30% less energy to recycle glass than it does to produce it from scratch.
8. If recycled materials can’t be turned into something new, they are typically incinerated or sent to a landfill.
9. The difference between recycling and simply breaking down the material is that recycling usually involves a process of sorting, cleaning, and remaking the material into something new, while breaking down the material simply means reducing it to its individual parts.
10. People need to recycle about once a week in order to make a difference.


1. It takes more energy to recycle some materials than it does to simply throw them away.
2. Recycling doesn’t always mean reusing.
3. Some materials can only be recycled a few times.
4. You can’t recycle everything.
5. Recycling actually creates pollution.
6. There are other ways to reduce your ecological footprint.