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25 Things You Can Do to Help Environmental Conservation

October 21, 2022

Every day, we make choices that affect the environment. Some of these choices have a bigger impact than others. Here are 25 things you can do to help make a difference for the environment:

1. Recycle
2. Reuse
3. compost
4. shop secondhand
5. buy in bulk
6. make your own cleaning products
7. ditch disposables
8. use less water
9. drive less
10. walk or bike more
11. take public transportation
12. carpool
13. buy an electric or hybrid car
14. offset your carbon footprint
15. eat less meat
16. eat organic
17. support sustainable agriculture
18. reduce food waste
19. curb your consumerism
20. use green power
21. weatherize your home
22. install solar panels
23. live a minimalist lifestyle
24. plant a tree
25. support environmental organizations