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19 Tips To Help You Conserve Energy

October 21, 2022

If you’re looking for ways to conserve energy and save money, these 19 tips can help. From easy changes like turning off lights when you leave a room, to more involved projects like sealing your home’s windows and doors, there are many ways to make your home more energy efficient.

1. Get a home energy audit. A professional energy audit will identify where your home is losing energy and what improvements you can make to conserve energy and lower your energy bills.

2. Educate your family about conserving energy. Show your kids how easy it is save energy around the house and have them help you put these tips into practice.

3. Turn off lights when you leave a room. One of the easiest ways to conserve energy is to simply turn off the lights when you’re not using them.

4. Use natural light. Whenever possible, take advantage of natural light instead of relying on artificial lighting. Open blinds and curtains during the day and keep them closed at night.

5. Use energy-efficient light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer.

6. Install a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat can save you money by automatically adjusting the temperature of your home when you’re away or asleep.

7. Reduce your thermostat setting in the winter. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you can save up to 5% on your heating costs.

8. Raise your thermostat setting in the summer. In the summer, raising your thermostat just a few degrees can help you conserve energy and stay comfortable.

9. Seal your home’s windows and doors. Drafty windows and doors can let heat escape in the winter and cool air escape in the summer, leading to higher energy bills. Sealing your home with caulk and weatherstripping can help keep the temperature where you want it and save you money.

10. Insulate your home. Proper insulation in your walls, ceilings, and floors can help keep your home’s temperature consistent and reduce your energy costs.

11. Use energy-efficient appliances. When shopping for new appliances, look for the ENERGY STAR® label to find products that use less energy and save you money on your utility bills.

12. Run your dishwasher and clothes washer only when they’re full. Washing partial loads of dishes or clothes uses the same amount of water and energy as a full load, so it’s more efficient to wait until you have a full load before running these appliances.

13. Air-dry your dishes and clothes. If you have the option, air-drying your dishes and clothes instead of using the dryer can save a significant amount of energy.

14. Turn off your electronics when you’re not using them. Electronics like TVs, computers, and chargers continue to use energy even when they’re turned off, so it’s important to unplug them when they’re not in use.

15. Use a power strip. A power strip can help you save energy by allowing you to easily turn off multiple electronics with one switch.

16. Get a home solar energy system. Solar energy is a great way to save money and conserve energy, and it’s becoming more affordable as technology improves.

17. Drive a hybrid or electric car. If you’re in the market for a new car, consider a hybrid or electric vehicle. These cars use less fuel and produce fewer emissions than traditional gas-powered cars.

18. Carpool or use public transportation. When possible, carpooling or taking public transportation can save you money on gas and reduce your car’s emissions.

19. Walk or ride your bike. Walking or riding your bike is a great way to get exercise and fresh air while also saving money on transportation costs.