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15 Things That Are Cheaper To Do Yourself

October 21, 2022

We all love to save money, and there are many things we can do ourselves to save money and still get the job done efficiently and correctly. Here are 15 things that are cheaper to do yourself:

1. Clean your gutters – This is a task that you can do once a year and it will save you money on repairs in the long run.

2. Change your own oil – You can save yourself upwards of $30 by changing your own oil rather than taking it to a shop.

3. Paint your own walls – A can of paint and some time is all you need to give your walls a fresh coat.

4. Mow your own lawn – A lawnmower is a one-time purchase that will save you money on lawn care service fees.

5. Fix your own plumbing – A trip to the hardware store and some elbow grease is all it takes to fix most plumbing issues.

6. Wash your own car – A trip to the car wash can cost upwards of $10. Save yourself the money and wash your car at home.

7. Tune up your own bicycle – A tune-up kit is relatively inexpensive and will save you from having to pay someone to do it for you.

8. Clean your own windows – This is a task that you can do a few times a year to keep your windows clean and streak-free.

9. Do your own taxes – Tax software is relatively inexpensive and easy to use, and it will save you from having to pay an accountant to do your taxes.

10. Repair your own clothing – A trip to the tailor can be expensive. Save yourself some money and learn to sew or use a patch to fix your clothing.

11. Make your own gifts – Store-bought gifts can be expensive. Save yourself some money and make your own gifts instead.

12. Grow your own food – A small garden can yield a lot of fresh produce that you would otherwise have to buy at the store.

13. Preserve your own food – Canning and freezing are great ways to save money on food by preserving your own fruits and vegetables.

14. Make your own cleaning products – Cleaning supplies can be expensive, but you can save money by making your own cleaning products.

15. Do your own hair and nails – A trip to the salon can be costly. Save yourself some money and do your own hair and nails at home.