We’ve all been there – feeling guilty about throwing away that water bottle or that piece of paper. We’ve been told over and over again that recycling is the key to saving our planet. But is it?
The recycling industry is a multi-billion dollar business. And like any business, its goal is to make money. So how does it do that? By convincing us that we need to recycle.
But what the recycling industry doesn’t want us to know is that recycling is actually very energy intensive and often more harmful to the environment than simply throwing something away.
For example, recycling a single aluminum can uses as much energy as it would to power a television for three hours. Recycling a glass bottle uses enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for four hours.
And it’s not just energy that recycling uses up. It also takes water – a lot of water. In fact, it takes twice as much water to recycle a plastic bottle as it does to simply throw it away.
So if recycling is so harmful to the environment, why do we keep doing it?
Well, for one, we’ve been led to believe that it’s the right thing to do. We’ve been told over and over again that recycling is the key to saving our planet.
But the truth is, recycling is not going to save the earth. In fact, it might even be making things worse.