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2 Things You Should Be Recycling

November 2, 2022

You should be recycling aluminum cans and glass bottles.

In the United States, recycling is something that is done out of habit moreso than necessity. With landfills overflowing and the amount of trash produced each year continuing to increase, it’s evident that we need to do something to cut down on the waste we create.

While recycling certain items is a no-brainer, there are others that many people don’t realize can be recycled. Here are 2 things you should be recycling:

1. Clothing and textiles

Did you know that you can recycle your old clothes and textiles? Instead of throwing away clothes that you no longer wear, take them to a local donation center or look for a recycling bin at your local grocery store.

2. Electronics

Many people upgrade their electronics on a regular basis, which means there are a lot of old computers, laptops, tablets, and phones that end up in the trash. However, these items can all be recycled.

So, next time you’re about to throw away something, think twice and see if it can be recycled. By doing your part, you can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills.

Common Questions Roundup:

1. What are two things you should recycle?
2. How can recycling old clothes and textiles help the environment?
3. What will happen to old electronics if they are not recycled?
4. How often should you upgrade your electronics?
5. How can recycling help reduce the amount of waste in landfills?
6. What are some other items that can be recycled?
7. What are the benefits of recycling?
8. What are some ways to recycle electronics?
9. What are some ways to recycle clothing and textiles?
10. How can you find a recycling bin for your old electronics or clothes?

Answers to common questions:

1. Glass and paper are two things that can be recycled.
2. Recycling old clothes and textiles can help the environment by reducing the amount of clothing and textiles that end up in landfills.
3. Old electronics that are not recycled will end up in landfills where they will take up space and release toxins into the environment.
4. Electronics should be upgraded every few years to ensure that they are still working properly.
5. Recycling can help reduce the amount of waste in landfills by turning old items into new ones.
6. Other items that can be recycled include aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and cardboard boxes.
7. The benefits of recycling include reducing the amount of waste in landfills, saving energy, and reducing pollution.
8. Some ways to recycle electronics include donating them to charities or recycling centers, or selling them online.
9. Some ways to recycle clothing and textiles include donating them to charities or recycling centers, or selling them online.
10. A recycling bin for old electronics or clothes can usually be found at a local recycling center.


2 things you should be recycling are clothes and electronics.